Thursday, January 31, 2008

No school Friday

There is no school and no dance tonight due to the weather.

Have a good day!


Anonymous said...

Ok. My brother and I will tune in for sure!

Anonymous said...

My county is Ronania.12 biggest country in Europe.It is the size of Oregon.It is bordered by Hungary,Serbia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, and the Black sea.

From:Kolby Horton

Mr. Black said...

Alright! Kolb read about Romania. Try to comment in the next post down so that people see that it goes with that section. I'm happy that you took some time at home to do some extra work.


Anonymous said...

Mr.Black how do u do that?


Mr. Black said...

Just comment in the post that I made that is below this one.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Black:
My brother and I are doing the Czech Repubic. The country's borders are: Poland to the north, Germany to the northwest and west, Austria to the south, and Slovakia to the east. The capital and largest city is Prague. The population is 10,228,744 from July, 2007. As of May 1, 2004, it is a member state of the European Union. The size is 78,866 km².

jr32222 said...

If we are going to make a movie, are we suposed to do only on country, like Germany, or several, like Romania, Czrech Republic, and Norway? Let me know ASAP so I can get started!

PS: How do you add video to your blog? I'm trying to, but I can't figure out how! HELP!!!!!

Mr. Black said...

I'd pick 1 or 2 of the ones we learned about in class.

They were the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, and Germany.

Include things such as a picture of the flag, a map, interesting facts, maybe you can find a music clip that is the national anthem to use as background music.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Black,

This is Jessica's Mom. The blog is a very good idea. It is very educational, but fun for the kids. Thanks!!

Lois Wertz

Anonymous said...

My Me-me says that she knows people who have a lot of Irish in them (The O'Briens) they have an O'Brien Fest with all their Irish relatives and their daughter does Irish-step dancing

Anonymous said...

hey this is andy johnson in 8th grade my sister is studing to be a physical therapist and shes going to italy so my family are all gonna going so itll be fun thats a really good idea about the blog. i was really sad when i heard that school was cancelled. ce ya latter

Anonymous said...

I just finished my video for geography! It took me a lot of hours to finish it, but now I don't know how to put it on a disc to bring it to school! My Uncle Brice is trying to help! He is not sure! What should I do?

Mr. Black said...

Madi, you can burn it onto a cd if you have that available. If not, you can send an email to my school address which is

Send it as an attachment. I'll let you know when I get it. This is really cool! I'm happy to see you guys and gals trying so many new things.

Andy Johnson said...

hey mr black its andy i made a blogger account cheak it out. its pritty cool im gonna do revews about my fav guitar players and my fav stuff. ok see ya

Anonymous said...

yo mr black its just wanted to see if u made any changes i might try to make a blog tonight i'll let u know if i do make 1

Anonymous said...

i learned how to make a movie maker thing!!!!! thanks soooooooooooo much 4 that guide

Anonymous said...

I got my video onto a CD!!