Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Mr. Black got married!!!

On June 20th, I got married to Rachel Crooks (now Black). She teaches kindergarten at Frankstown Elementary, which is one of Hollidaysburg's elementary schools. Our wedding was awesome and everything turned out well. A few days later we went on our honeymoon to Fort Myers, Florida. If you get a chance to check it out on Google Maps you should. It was a really nice area and we saw a lot of different animals and plants. We also got to eat a lot of really great food. We saw the Wizard of Oz at the Broadway Palm Dinner Theater. If you want to work on your "Googling" skills, you could check out their website to see all the new shows that will be going on there. The next show that was going to be on after Wizard of Oz is High School Musical. I know a bunch of you would probably enjoy that. We also got to go out on an airboat and see alligators. Finally, the last major highlight was when we went on a jet ski tour to see dolphins. Seriously, if you are bored take some time to read up on alligators and dolphins. Maybe you can even look up the difference between gators and crocodiles and post a little summary of what you find. I would love to hear what all of you have been doing so maybe you can comment letting everyone know how your summer is going. It will be over before you know it!!!! Now that things have calmed down a little I will try to make a few more posts. If any of you read this be sure to pass it on to your classmates. I have a feeling Parker will check it out!


jr32222 said...

Hey Mr. Black,

Congrats! Ryan and I checked out some of the stuff, it's so cool! Can't write much, got to go pack for band camp @ CBD.

Have a good summer!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Black,

Im happy foor u and so is my family i hope u have a great summer more (idk if that makes sence or not but oo well)

i got a headache just reading that cause im not used to reading in the summer but im going to blanspark next week and the week after that it will rock and i went camping 2 times this summer and kenzie came with and i got to see my friends ive been talking on aim and a lot more!!!! ☺

Anonymous said...

Wow! You go Mr. B! (sorry this is sorta late) Cant wait to see you in school!!!

Anonymous said...

hi mr black how did ur summer go
mine was fine have a good school year

Anonymous said...

hey mr. black!! congratulations!!! im so happy for you!!!

Anonymous said...

that's so cool i used to see her at the martinsburg pool with her sisters all the time!!!

Anonymous said...

congrats! i hope you have a wonderful life together, and have a kid named bronson.

Anonymous said...

mr. black sooo happy you got married!!!

TRS.Steele said...

congrats!! you got married!!!!
hope you 2 live your long happy lives!!!☺☺☻☻

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr.Black congrats on getting married,and my little sister Mackenzie says hi

Anonymous said...

congrats mr black! so happy 4 U!

Anonymous said...

Hey I am so Happy for you and I hope you guys will stay married for the rest of ur lives.

Anonymous said...

great job mr. BlACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!