Saturday, May 17, 2008

Create-a-Country Projects...

It has been a few weeks since my last post, but I figured now would be a good time to start gathering feedback from you on this project. I was hoping you would comment with your thoughts and feelings regarding your favorite parts of this activity as well as listing things you would like to see changed. Remember that you will be presenting on Monday! I'm really excited to see all the interesting things you have come up with!

Have a great weekend... Hopefully, you can find a way to enjoy all this rain we are getting :)


Anonymous said...

I liked the create a country project. It was fun. I liked how we could make up our own holidays and how we got to make our flag and map. I had a good group, too. I got to be with sarah and bb. It was HARD to make Kessandra (the big doll). I thought she came out ok. even those i won't be able to waer that skirt again because dad nailed it to her body. Oh-well. What can you do. Sorry I typed so much I got bored. 5-21-08(my moms b-day)

jr32222 said...


Me here. I thought that the project was fun but HARD!!!!! Our group would not have been ready if we had 3 months! It was fun

Anonymous said...

i really liked it it was soooooo much fun well biiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hey! this was so much fun!! my countrys name is PEANUT BUTTER!! i LOVE peanut butter!! it was so much fun!! i really enjoyed making it. you should do it every year. and if you do, then you should keep it up.

Anonymous said...

it was so much fun making Dance-Land talk later :) :)